Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Caring for Long Hair

Here are tips on caring for long hair to add to your knowledge:

- Avoid sleeping with hair attached or still wear accessories. Hair must decompose to give oxygen to the hair. Tying the hair dryer while sleeping making crack and fall.
- Do not tie your hair too tight because it will cause hair loss.
- If you tie your hair, use a soft hair tie and will not make damaged hair. Limit the use of pins, bandanas or other embellishments that hair too much.
- If you plan to lengthen your hair, make sure you take care of your hair with a trim at the salon every three months to avoid the ends of the hair are broken and lost her beauty. Other long hair care tips is if you want to maintain long hair, apply the treatment once a month.
- Comb your hair gently, do not pull your hair with force if any tangling while combing. Coercion will make your hair fall out.
- Make sweeping by hand first, if the hair is matted. After doing a little decomposes slowly sweep the hair comb.
- If the hair is combed before washing it first will be easier when dry.
- Do not rub your hair dry with a towel, do not be swept by hand before the hair is completely dry.
- Comb your hair is important as it will spread to all areas of hair oil. Comb your hair from root to tip. Do it many times like that. Wipe the hair from top to bottom after combing to remove static condition after sweeping.

Long Hair Fast Naturally

Here's a quick way for long hair naturally can be done at home:
1. Eat foods that are high in protein content that can be found in nuts and whole grains, fresh fruit, and lots of green leafy vegetables. The healthier your body will be more healthy then your hair fixed.
2. Consumption of vitamin supplements because vitamin form can not be manufactured by the body. Multivitamin formula is excellent for adding a quick hair growth and this growth will increase the intake of vitamin A, B, C, E, and K, as well as biotin and keratin.
3. Do not be lazy to exercise because exercise will increase blood circulation which is good for skin, hair and nails as well. Sweating helps the body remove toxins and give your hair a beautiful shine. A good workout will release endorphins that serve as a natural mood enhancer.
4. Keeping your body to stay hydrated. One of the symptoms of dehydration are dry and dull hair. Drink plenty of water at least eight glasses per day for healthy hair growth.
5. Sleep quality. Do not sleep too much and lack of sleep. When the body breaks and you fall asleep, your body repairs itself in the process so as to give time for the body to come back refreshed. Sleep for 6 to 8 hours every night will make the body back in shape and ready to pamper dir

Monday, January 21, 2013

For Quick Natural White

Quick Solutions for Natural White | Want to body skin with natural ingredients White | To whiten the skin actually is not needed immediately, but its side effects are aliases extremes harmful for your body, many natural ways to whiten the skin, Here are a few ways to whiten your skin with natural ingredients:
1. Mask of cucumber and potatoThe use of masks is an attempt to whiten the loss of the skin and smooth the skin in a natural way. Some plants can be used as masks for whitening the skin, such as cucumbers, tomatoes, sweet potatoes, potatoes and carrots. The road is smooth and add enough water to one of the fruit and then apply directly in all of our skin. In addition to being able to whiten the skin is also effective to illuminate the skin matt.

2. Masks BengkoangHow to whiten skin as the use of masks yam yam tuber softening and apply on face and leave for 10-15 minutes or until dry and then cleaned. In addition to being able to whiten the skin, the mask of potato is also useful for removing black spots on the skin. Prepare the way of making potato size.Wash to clean, peel and grate kemudiat, squeeze cheese and get the water. Collect in a bowl or cup, Discard pulp, juice yield was set aside for a moment. Let that sink to the bottom of the container, discard the water and sediment grab it. Sediment which is used as a wire mask. When many sediments, can be stored in a container bag hygienic precipitate after dry powder, for the saved, when they want to use, you can add a little 'cold water or rose water.

3. Herb LemonThe orange juice is also used as a relief in fish dishes or grass smell of fish, it is also very useful for health and beauty. Orange juice can reduce the pores and remove excess fat in oily skin types. Another advantage is to whiten and soften the skin. Rub a slice of orange peel on the face and body before showering. If done regularly, this will give satisfactory results in the form of smooth white skin.4. Avocado Herb JusThe content of the avocado fruit is rich in vitamins, minerals and natural oils. They contain vitamin A, vitamin C and vitamin E, iron, potassium, niacin, pantotenik acids and proteins that are not normally found in all fruits. The content of avocado is very useful for the beauty and health of the skin. To whiten the skin, mix the avocado flesh that has matured enough water 2-3 pieces and then crushed like a scrub. Use this paste for 15 minutes and then rinse thoroughly before you shower. In addition to whiten the skin, of course, this paste can keep your skin moist.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Lengthen eyelashes, tips and how to

Many ways can be done to memenjangkan eyelashes, ranging from the traditional way using natural materials, to use modern methods such as planting eyelashes. In essence, lengthen eyelashes traditionally do with stimulating the growth of eyelashes to keep it lush and manicured. The following will be given some tips and how to lengthen eyelashes as compiled from various sources, namely:

Olives. Olive oil contains antioxidants and vitamin E are useful to stimulate eyelash growth naturally. Content pelembabnya also able to curl eyelashes.
Hazelnut oil. Creamy hazelnut oil can also be used to lengthen eyelashes naturally. The content of vitamin E in them can also nourish lashes.
Rod nut and aloe vera. Betel stem combined with aloe vera gel can be used naturally to lengthen and nourish lashes.
Water tea. Water bath teas that are left overnight in the area that could also be naturally moist and fertilize meanjangkan eyelashes.
Surgical light. Planting techniques long eyelashes can be obtained through a minor surgery with laser techniques, so as not to cause the incision.
Serum. The use of topical serum rich in vitamin E to do before bed, by first cleaning the mascara and eyeliner before bed.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Benefits of Tomato for Beauty

What causes tomatoes to have efficacy for no other beauty as vitamin A and vitamin C is high enough. Us Daily Insight confirms that the content of tomatoes to make the benefits of beauty was able to treat acne, reducing the comedy in the face, to brighten skin and polished. Benefits of tomatoes for beauty is very easy to apply, even the processing does not destroy the vitamins contained in them. Substances contained in tomato can destroy free radicals.
Some ways to use tomatoes variety of properties is as follows:

     Boil tomatoes and rub the cut to the part that can eliminate acne breakouts. When rubbed on the face should not be too hard because it will hurt your acne. Enough with the massage gently, let sit for a while, then rinse.
     Destroy the red tomatoes and put water on the face can smooth the skin. Let stand about 10 minutes while using it until the skin feels dry and then rinse with cold water is refreshing.
     Smooth the premises tomatoes and mix honey and use it as a mask to reduce blackheads on the face. If you do this with the patient secured the pores on your face docked, blackheads expelled, and the face becomes smooth and bright.

Benefits of tomatoes for beauty is very diverse and not

Friday, January 18, 2013

make sharp nose

How to make sharp nose naturally with makeup can be done by putting your index finger along the center of the nose. Side of the nose that is not covered with a finger is part of the shaded by way of applying bronzer or brown eyeshadow thin eyebrows to the limits. To do this, you can use a brush with a medium size but not with brush for applying eyeshadow or blush. When applying, hair brush needs to be pressed with the index finger so that the shape becomes flat. The process of formation or commonly called conturing can be done to limit nose and nostrils. Conturing should be done with caution, and do not go deep into the eye. This method will slowly make your nose look up a few inches.

Another way that also includes how to make sharp nose naturally is to use nose up clipper. Nose Up Clipper is a tool pemancung natural nose of Japan are small and light that serves to raise and minimize flaring nostrils seem to make it look more sharp and beautiful. Nose Up Clipper relatively safe and inexpensive without any side effects, circulatory respiratory disorders, skin irritation or injury. The tool nose pemancung was created to achieve the effect of a sharp flattening of the nasal bone to the nostrils. This tool can be used every day for 10-15 minutes. Changes can be seen in 1-2 weeks time. For permanent results, it can be used for 3-6 months.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Overcoming Dry Lips

No woman comfortable with dry lips and chapped. In fact, for most women, this being the case that one of the issues considered very disturbing appearance. Thus, various ways have been undertaken to address this problem of dry lips. From the start in a simple way like wet her lips with saliva to use lip balm that cost can vary greatly. Unfortunately, although the issue is considered dry lips can destroy confidence, not many women are aware of the cause.

The main causes of dry mouth, of course is due to loss of moisture. The easiest way is often taken by women to cope with dry lips like licked his lips turned out to cause irritation and make the lips more dry. Too often eat hot food is also a cause that can not be taken lightly from the lips dry and chapped, including spicy foods. These are the things that are often overlooked by women. Many women also often forget to protect the lips while going traveling but this is one way to cope with dry lips which is not too much trouble.

It's a lot of lip balm on the market that is effective enough to protect the lips and made to cope with dry lips. In fact, users are made ​​lip balm is now pampered with a variety of flavors in the hope they will be more comfortable when using it.

Even so, do not close your eyes, there are many people who try way more natural way. For example, with honey. In addition to functioning as a moisturizer, honey is applied and allowed to dry overnight on the lips also contain nutrients that are good for the health of the lips.